• Life Span: 15 – 25 years.
  • Average Gestation is 335 days.
  • Almost Always Single Births – twins are very rare and often are premature births.
  • Highly interactive and entertaining.
  • Highly intelligent and are trained on the halter.
  • Fleece is shorn once a year.
  • Colors: 22 basic colors that may blend into beautiful variations.
  • Harvest approximately 2-10 pounds of fiber per year.
  • Alpacas graze and eat grass hay ideally 10-12% protein
  • Birth: Birth weight is usually around 10 to 19 lbs.
  • The baby is called a cria and can often stand and nurse within 30 minutes to one hour.
  • Alpaca do not have hooves but rather toe nails.
  • Average Weight: 100 to 175 lbs. or about 1/3 the size of the llama.
  • Average Adult Height: 32″- 37″ at the withers.
  • Halter Breaking: Alpacas can be halter broke in about three to four training sessions.
  • Alpacas dung in one or two areas in their pasture. This makes for easy clean up.
  • Adaptable to many environments.
  • Alpacas are hearty and considered “Easy Keepers” by most owners.
  • The Alpaca Owners Association is the national breed association.
The Suri Alpaca

The Suri Alpaca

The Huacaya Alpaca

The Huacaya Alpaca

Guanacos Grazing

Alpacas and Llamas are seen and
often roam together on the Altiplano

Suri Llama

Suri Llama

Llamas in Traditional Array

Llamas in Traditional Array

Guanaco Sentry

Guanacos Sentry
Guanacos typically can range at lower elevations than other camelids and can be found in Peru, Chile, and Argentina .



Vicuñas are endangered and currently protected. They are not exported out of South America at this time.
They harvest the finest camelid micron fleece available (approximately 10-12 microns)